What do you think?

Well, that's the plan. The calculations I've presented here are based on worst-case afternoon rush hour conditions, but everyhing scales back to fit mid-day and evening service. In other words, compared to the 4000 bus-hours per day as the city presently uses, my plan covers the city better and faster and with fewer busses. What's more, it costs nothing to put in place, as compared to the megabucks needed for rapid transit or light rail. If you think it's worth a second glance, why not tell your city councillor about it?

If you want to learn more, there's a three-part series I wrote last year which you can check out on the AccessWinnipeg website:

"What I hate about the bus system"

"Why the bus system is messed up"

"How to fix the bus system"

I've also re-posted these articles on my blogsite so you can post comments and read what other people had to say:

Re-start presentation